




  1. 預備式:雙腳分開,挺直身軀,雙手向後伸直,全部手指張開也挺直,將馬步坐低。然後雙手向前伸直,掌心向天,雙手與肩齊。握「文拳」,叫一聲「唏」,雙拳縮向左右腰部貼緊,接著右手開始打拳。
  2. 打拳分三個段落,將右手屈肘拳向上與肩齊,迅速打落跨前近左方的空間,因此腰也略向左扭,頭亦向左轉,叫「一」,隨即將拳提起,曲右肘拳與肩齊,注意眼望手踭,口中叫「二」,隨即將右拳用力向後拉,叫「三」,拳貼回腰部,於是輪至左手同一方式打拳,打下時叫「一」,提左拳曲肘向肩叫「二」,左肘打踭向後將左拳回到腰部叫「三」,右掌又如此打拳叫「三」,提拳時叫「二」,打踭時叫「三」,這樣左右拳輪流打拳,叫「四二三」、「五二三」到「十二三」為止。


Posture 11: Stand Firm and Play Chinese Boxing

The name of Luk Tung Kuen is originated from the eleventh posture “Stand Firm and Play Chinese Boxing” since among the thirty-six postures, only this posture involves Chinese boxing which in turn regulates bodily function.

Prior to the discussion of the posture, let us first analyse the clenching of the fists. The clenching of fists of other exercise is different from that of Luk Tung Kuen. The clenching of fists of the latter is to crook the thumb into the palm before the clenching of other fingers. The clenching of fists of both hands are in this way which Ha Kinh termed as “hold the main stream”.

Obviously, this way of clenching of fists is not designed for fighting but doing exercise. It is definitely not a kind of martial arts.

Starting position: Stand upright, feet apart at shoulder width. Swing both arms backward. Keep the fingers straight. Bend the knees slightly. Then swing the arms forward until they reach the level of the shoulder with the palms facing upward.

Movement 1: When the instructor says “hold the main stream”, clench the fists as described above and be ready. Bend the elbows of both arms at the level of the waist. Bend the elbow of the right hand back to the side. Strike the right arm down to the left side just as performing shadowboxing. Turn the head and the trunk to the left at the same time and count “one”. Then, lift up the right fist back to the side and count “two” and strike backward with effort and count “three”. Then return the right fist to the level of the waist. When finished, turn to the left arm. Strike down to the right and bend the elbow back to the side. Strike backward with effort. Then return the left fist to the level of the waist. When stretching out the arms, do it as if hitting a target with the fists. Do this striking with the right hand and left hand alternately for ten times.

When doing shadow boxing, strike the right fist to the left and the left fist to the right. Turn the trunk, the head and the eyes accordingly. It is in this way that the exercise can regulate bodily functions.