- 左風車的預備式:雙腳分開,挺腰,左掌向左方橫伸,五指伸直,掌心向下。右手亦伸直五指,在身前向左扭向左掌的下方,掌心向上,掌背向下,兩掌相距約一尺,於是兩掌的掌心相對。
- 兩手保持相等距離,躬腰,隨即雙掌往身前胯下處一齊向地面落下。
- 落至地面時徐徐向右方轉上,依然保持左掌在上、右掌在下,轉到頭頂之上時,雙掌直伸至頭頂之際,雙掌的掌心向前,叫「一」。然後又向左落,落時仍保持左掌在上,右掌在下,保持雙掌掌心相向,一直轉向胯下再轉右,伸向頭頂,當伸至頭頂時叫「二」,然後照式落下,似風車的由左轉右由右轉上循環轉動,十轉為止。
- 第二部分為右風車。右掌向右平伸,掌心向下,左掌扭向右方,左掌掌心向上,在右掌之下約一尺距離,預備式做好,即由右落下向左轉向上,伸至頭頂時雙掌向外,才叫「一」,然後又向右轉落下,保持右掌在左掌之上,右掌掌心向下,兩掌掌心相對,做十下,即完成。
Posture 14: Windmill
The fourteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Windmill”. Just as the name suggests, the posture resembles the turning round and round of the windmill.
The posture is divided into two parts, the left and the right. The speed is moderate.
Starting position: Stand upright, feet apart at shoulder width. Stretch the left arm to the side at shoulder level fingers straight with palms facing downward. Keep the fingers of the right hand straight. Stretch the right hand to the left with the palm of the right hand facing the palm of the left hand, that is they are parallel to each other with the left hand above the right hand. The distance between the left hand and the right hand is about one feet.
Movement 1: When the instructor says “down”, keep the two hands at a distance and bend the trunk down ward in a clockwise direction. When the two hands are almost touching the ground, turn to the right. Keep the left hand on top of the right hand. Then turn slightly until the two arms are in a vertical position with the palms facing forward and count “one”. Then turn to the left again. Remember that the two arms are parallel to each other. The left hand should be above the right hand. Remember that the palms of both hands should face each other. Repeat the same turning when the two arms reach the head and in a vertical position, count “two”. Repeat the turning for ten times. This turning looks like a windmill which is turning from left to right. This is the “left windmill”.
Movement 2: Then second part is known as “right windmill”. Stretch the right arm to the side at shoulder level with the palms facing downward. Stretch the left hand to the right with the palm of the left hand facing the palm of the right hand, that is, they are parallel to each other with the right hand above the left hand. Then distance between the right hand and the left hand is about one feet. When the instructor says “down”, keep the two hands at a distance and bend the trunk downward in an anti-clockwise direction. When the two arms are in a vertical position above the head, count “one”. Then turn to the right. Remember that the two arms are parallel to each other Remember that the palms of both hand should face each.
This exercise can facilitate blood circulation and reduce the fat of the belly by the bending and stretching exercise. This exercise is beneficial to the backbone also. Since all postures of Luk Tung Kuen are closely-connected if one only practises this posture without practising the other postures, then the effect is not so desirable.