- 預備式:雙掌十指張開,手踭向後曲,雙掌平放於左右腰側,姆指輕輕貼著盤骨側,掌心向下,掌背向上,雙腳分開,挺胸。
- 隨聲叫「一」時即將腳踭提起,雙掌同時向前平伸,雙掌的高度與肩齊。叫「二」,雙掌立即向左右用勁分開平伸,伸至雙手與身體成「十」字形時,雙掌即刻反掌,原本是掌心向地,此時一齊反之,使雙掌的掌心向天,立即叫「三」,雙掌自然落下於左右腿的大髀側,拍然一聲腳踭隨聲而落著於地面,立即又將雙掌提至兩腰側,如預備式。
- 跟著如上的動作,雙掌向前平伸,腳踭提起,叫「二」,待平伸如「十」字形時即反掌叫「三」,腳踭落地而雙手亦同時拍落兩側的大腿側,隨即又做第三次,叫「三二三」、「四二三」,做十次,叫至「十二三」止。
Posture 15: Stretch Out the Hands and Hold Back the Feet
The fifteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is termed by Ha Kinh as “Stretch Out the Hands and Hold Back the Feet”. When stretch out the hands, the heels are up at the same time. The heels are down when the two hands (with palms facing outward) hit the thigh. This is a movement for both the hand and the feet.
Starting position: Standing upright, with feet apart at shoulder level. Bend the elbows slightly. Stretch out the fingers. The two hands are at the level of the waist with the thumb touching the level of the hip. The palms are facing downward and the back of the hands are facing upward.
Movement 1: When count “one”, the heels are up. Stretch out the hands upward until they reach the level of the shoulder with the palms facing downward. When count “two”, stretch out the arms horizontally. Thus the two arms and the body are forming a cross shape. Turn the palms upward and count “three”, bring the arms down to the level of the hip with effort and lower the heels slowly. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the whole sequence for ten times.
When doing this posture, remember to breathe out when stretching the hands upward and raising up the heels. When stretching out both hands horizontally, remember to breath in deeply. When the heels are down, the palms are turning outward and the arms are brought back to the sides, just breathe in and out naturally since the speed of these movements are fast. This exercise is a stretching exercise. It helps to prevent amyotrophy. This exercise helps to stretch the muscles of the two arms and the two wrists which in turn facilitates metabolism. Thus it helps to prevent rheumatism.
Beginners should avoid raising up the heels too high, otherwise the body will lose balance. Do what one is capable of. Beginners should try to get used to the posture first. After a long time practice, the physique of the body will be strengthened.