- 預備式:腳平開半步,挺直身軀,雙掌向左右平伸。十指用力張開,這時雙手形成一字形。預備妥當,即開始動作。口叫「一」時,同時做以下動作。
- 上身隨左手平伸向後移動,頸亦隨之向左轉動,右手十指張開,亦隨左掌及上身的轉動而平肩曲肘,向胸前移動。當左掌平伸移到最後方不能再移動時,頸亦因帶動頭而向後扭,這時眼睛亦隨之而望著左掌的中指。「一」的動作至此為一段落。隨聲叫「二」。
- 應當說明「一」的動作終止時全身的形態是右掌已曲肘平放於胸前,身軀扭向左後方。頸、頭、眼均向左後方,左手平伸於左後方,左右手的十指張開,掌心向地掌背向天,這是「一」前動作結束時的姿勢。故「二」是從這一姿態開始。
- 口中叫「二」時,下列的動作一齊緩慢地進行。曲肘伸掌平放於胸前的右手徐徐向右方伸出,身軀和頭頸,眼亦徐徐自左後方轉動向身前,再隨右手而向右移動,右掌平伸至右方與右肩平齊時再向右後方盡量移向後,眼隨著右掌向右後移動時望著右手中指,這時左手亦隨著移動曲肘平伸於胸前,右手伸至右後方不能再移後為止。「二」的動作終止。「三」的動作則為向左移。與「一」的動作同。共做十次為止。
Posture 19: Twist the Hands
The nineteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Stretch the fingers and twist the hands”.
Starting position: Stand upright, two feet apart, extend the arms horizontally at shoulder level with the palms facing downward. Keep the fingers straight.
Movement 1: When count “one”, twist the trunk, the neck and the head to the left. Keep the fingers of the right hand straight. Bend the elbow of the right hand with the hand at the level of the chest and eyes are looking at the middle finger of the left hand. When finish doing, turn to the right side.
Movement 2: When count “two”, twist the trunk, the neck and the head to the right. Keep the fingers of the left hand straight. Bend the elbow of the left hand with the hand at the level of the chest and the eyes are looking at the middle finger of the right hand. When finishing doing, return to the left. Do the same movement for ten times.
This exercise is good for those who has hypertension since the arteries and veins will have some exercise. Attention will be focused on the middle finger of the hand, thus the trunk and the head will get some exercise.