

  1. 預備式:十指張開伸直,先將右掌向上彎,掌背貼著頭頂的「百會穴」,左掌則垂下貼著左腿側,開始叫「一」,左掌從左腿側的位置打橫伸直然後向頭頂上彎去,這時右掌隨著左掌的上而向右落至右腿側。左掌貼頭時仍掌心向天,掌背貼著頭頂正中的「百會穴」。
  2. 隨即又右掌提起、左掌落下。右掌心向天,掌背貼著頭頂,和預備式的姿勢一樣,叫「二」。這樣左掌上右掌落,右掌上左掌落,做十次。上落的節奏不快也不太慢,屬於中度節奏,不徐不疾。



Posture 13: Hands Up and Down

The thirteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Hands Up and Down”.

This posture is simple enough.

Starting position: Standing, keep the fingers straight. Raise up the right hand with the palm facing upward and touch the top of the head at the Bai Hui acupoint (百會穴). Keep the left hand at side.

Movement 1: When count “one”, raise up the left hand with the palm facing upward and touch the Bai Hui acupoint. Meanwhile, bring the right arm down to the side slowly. When finished, raise up the right arm again and touch the Bai Hui acupoint and bring the left arm down slowly. That is, return to the starting position. Do this up and down movement for ten times. The speed should be moderate.

Note: When doing this exercise, stand upright. Keep the waist, the fingers, the chest straight, feet apart shoulder width. It can facilitate blood circulation. It is a kind of bending and stretching exercise.

Those who are interested in doing exercise know that different exercise requires different speed. The speed of doing rhythemical exercise is violent, the speed of jogging is moderate while the speed of doing Tai Ji Quan (太極拳) is slow. The speed of Luk Tung Kuen is various. It is because the thirty-six postures o f Luk Tung Kuen is not consecutive. After finish doing one posture and before doing another posture, there is the preparatory step, therefore the speed for each posture is different.