- 將左右兩手的手指互相交加扣實,掌心向下、掌背向上,右腳向前踏上一步,然後將雙掌放近右胸肋骨之上,由於十隻手指互相扣緊,便要將左右手臂提高一點才能發力。
- 雙掌向下壓向右腳的腳背上,彎腰,但右腳伸出時膝頭必須不曲,向下按至腳面一次,口中即呼「一」,以聲代呼,聲止即吸氣。
- 隨即將手提起,腰亦向上挺直,然後又向下按至腳面,口呼「二」,如此上落共五次,呼至「五」為止。然後收右腳踏左腳,將雙掌手指(仍互相交加緊扣),移向左胸前,依上述方法做五次為止。做完後,雙腳立正,雙掌依然十指交加,放在胸前正中部位,手心向外,手背貼胸,然後用雙肩和手臂的力度,向前推出,十指緊扣不放,推出一下叫「一」,然後收回仍貼胸前原位,再推出一下,叫「二」,一推一數共做十次。
Posture 2: Second Step of Open the Door
The second posture, known as “Second Step of Open the Door” is in fact, the continuation of the first posture.
Starting position: Standing, heels together.
Movement 1: The fingers of the hands are interlacing together with the palms of the hands facing downward. The right foot takes a step forward. At the same time, lift the hands to the level of the rib of the right chest and raise up the arms a little bit. Bend the trunk and press downward. Try to touch the instep of the right foot. Keep the knees straight. When press once, count “one”. Simultaneously, when count “one”, breathe out. When stop counting, breathe in. Then, stand up and straighten the waist. Bend the trunk again and try to touch the instep of the right foot once again and count “two”. Repeat the same movement for five times.
Movement 2: Withdraw back the right foot and the left foot takes a step forward. Lift the hands to the level of the rib of the left chest with the fingers interlacing together. Do the same movement as mentioned in movement 1 for five times. But this time try to touch the instep of the left leg. When finish doing the above-mentioned movement, stand upright and lift the hands to the level of the chest. Press the hands close to the chest with the palms of the hands facing outward. (The fingers are interlacing together). Push both arms forward. When push once, count “one” and then withdraw back to the original position and push the second time. Repeat the same movement for ten times.
This posture is not so exhausted. Since the pressing down and the pushing out of the arms are beneficial to the joints of the wrist, fingers, elbows and shoulder, it can produce similar effects as has been done by physiotherapy. Concurrently, the pushing out of arms enables the cardiac muscles to have a slight throbbing. This facilitates the circulation of the arteries and veins. Therefore, even these who have slight heart disease can do the exercise as well. For those who feel exhausted after doing five times, there is no need for them to use so much energy until they get used to the exercise.
Since during the process of the “Luk Tung Kuen”, inhalation and exhalation coincide with the movements. Therefore the breathing method should be smooth and natural, that is, breathe in when one count “one”. There is no need to pay any particular attention to the method of respiration. One should bear in mind that one should not use the method of respiration as practiced in “Qi Gong” (Invigorating Exercises, 氣功) while doing the “Luk Tung Kuen”, otherwise, one will hurt the body. It is because “Qi Gong” is practicing diaphragmatic breathing while “Luk Tung Kuen” is practicing chest breathing. Therefore one only needs to use the natural method of respiration as mentioned above and that is enough.