- 預備式:雙腳平開一步,坐馬、雙手伸直,十指張開,如「大」字形,脊骨要挺直。
- 開始叫「一」時,大腿帶動臀部向下坐低,成坐馬姿勢,雙手不可搖動,脊骨要挺直,能挺腰坐低到最低當然最好,但若將身軀躬向前方而使脊骨向前傾斜以助坐得更低,功效反不及挺直脊骨坐得不太低。因為這是使心肌向上下移動的方法,身體向前傾即壓抑心肌的運動。叫「一」時,坐低隨即提起,「一」的動作是坐低和站起,一落一起完成「一」,然後叫「二」,落下站起,做十次為止,麻鷹式即完。
Posture 24: Posture Eagle
The twenty –fourth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Posture Eagle”. The posture looks like the gliding of an eagle.
When an eagle is gliding in the sky, the two wings are kept straight, therefore in “Posture Eagle”, the two arms are extended horizontally with palms facing downward. The hands should be at the level of the shoulder.
Starting position: Standing, feet apart at shoulder width. Keep the fingers straight. Extended the arms horizontally with palms facing downward, hands at shoulder level. Bend the knees.
Movement 1: When count “one”, bend the knees downward. Keep the backbone straight. Try to bend down the knees as much as possible. Then stand up slowly. When count “two”, bend the knees downward again. Do the movement for ten times.
When doing this exercise, Ha Kinh explains that this exercise is beneficial to our hearts. It is because this posture facilitates the up and down movement of the heart muscles. Other postures facilitates the left and right movement of the heart muscles. In this way, there will be a all-around movement for the heart muscles when one completes the thirty-six postures.