- 預備式:雙手叉腰,雙腳平開一步,挺直上身。關始時深吸一口氣,用丹田力將腹部縮入,然後扭腰,先向右扭然後扭後,再轉扭向左,扭至前為一圈,叫「一」,將腹部突出去。隨即收縮吸氣照上法扭動,扭十下而止。
- 第二部分是由左扭腰,如上法扭動,由左、後,右、前為一圈,叫「一」,至十為止。
Posture 28: Twist the Waist
The twenty-eighth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Twist the Waist”.
This is an exercise to benefit the internal organs. Shift the attenition to the dantian (丹田) and twist the waist. This promotes the movement of the intestines and thus promotes the digestive system. Besides, this exercise can help to prevent constipation, hemorrhoids and facilitates metabolism.
Starting position: Stand upright with arms akimbo, feet apart at shoulder width.
Movement 1: Breathe in deeply and withdraw the belly. Then twist the waist. Twist to the right side first and then to the left and count “one”. Return the belly to the original position. Repeat the movement for ten times.
Movement 2: Repeat the same twisting. Twist to the left first and then to the right.
Note : When doing this movement, keep the upper apart of the body upright and twist the waist only. Pay attention to the breathing method since one should breathe in deeply.