


  1. 預備式: 雙腳平開,雙手向左右伸直十指張開,與身體成「大」字形,這時掌心向天。開始叫「垂低」即將伸直的左右掌的掌心向地,掌已放軟,故十隻手指似下垂的樣子,故叫「垂低」。
  2. 抖一下雙掌叫「一」,抖第二下叫「二」,握拳曲向兩太陽穴同時向橫打出叫「三」,當雙拳打出時隨即叫「出力」,即將雙拳改為掌,用力伸直十指,掌心向上。然後叫「垂低」,即將掌心向地,手指放軟,再作第二循環時,抖一下手叫「二」,抖第二下手叫「二」,叫「三」即握拳向太陽穴前曲肱及隨即用力向橫打出,叫「出力」,隨即用力將雙手的手指登直,掌心向天。隨後叫「垂低」。叫法是「垂低,一、二、三出力。垂低,二、二、三,出力,垂低」。共打十次為止。最後的一次叫法是「垂低,十二三,出力,垂低」。



Posture 29: Spread Out the Hands

The twenty-nineth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Spread Out the Hands”.

Starting position: Stretch out the two arms horizontally until they reach the level of the shoulder. Keep the fingers straight with the palms facing upward.

Movement 1: Turn the palms of both hands upside down with the palms facing downward. Keep the fingers in a flexible stage. The fingers should look like falling down. When count “one”, shake both hands. The movement looks like the shaking of hands after washing the hands. Shake the hands twice and clench the fists. Bend the elbows until the fists touch the taiyang acupoints. Then strike out horizontally and unloose the fists. Keep the fingers straight with the palms facing downward. Repeat the cycle for ten times.

This exercise is to prevent someone from being seized with cramp and promotes the movement of the joints. The several massage exercises that mentioned above are rather mild. After the exercisers practise several mild exercises, it is good for them to do some violent exercises.