


  1. 預備式: 雙腳立正身軀直立,雙掌垂下放於兩腿側,這個預備姿勢亦即「跳大字」的還原姿勢,即跳成大字形之後立即還原為預備式。
  2. 開始,叫「一」時,用腳尖輕鬆地躍起身軀,雙手同時向左右分開至平肩為止。雙腳躍起時同時與手向左右分開,於是姿勢即形成一個「大」字,隨即還原,雙腳躍起合攏成立正式,雙手立即垂下拍向左右腿側,「一」的動作包括一開一合,然後叫「二」,如上式跳起張開手足,手指伸直成掌形,掌心向地,跳十次,至「十」止。



Posture 23: Bouncing up and down

The twenty-third posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Bouncing up and down”. The speed of this movement is quite fast. The stretching out of the hand and the feet should be done simultaneously.

Starting position: Stand upright with arms at two sides. This is the preparatory posture.

Movement 1: When count “one”, bounce with the tiptoes and extend the arms horizontally with the feet apart at should width at the same time. Thus the body is in the form of the Chinese character “big” (大). Return back to the starting position. When count “two”, do the movement again. Do the whole movement for ten times.

Other exercises have similar posture known as “Open and Close Bounce”. But other exercise is to stretch the arm above the head and not to bounce up and down. Other exercise aims at extending the volume of the chest and strengthening the vital capacity if the lung. This bouncing up and down exercise aims at accelerating the movement of the intestines, thus improving the digestive system.

Beginners should note that this is a rather violent exercise. When bouncing up and down, it is not advisable for the beginners to bounce too high, otherwise one will hurt one’s joints. Beginners are advised to stretch the arms and feet at the very beginning without bouncing. When one get used to the movement, then once can try to bounce up and down.

Perhaps beginners may find it difficult in doing posture 21, 22 and 23 all at one time. They may feel exhausted. Therefore one should do what one is capable of and do not force oneself. Just proceed in an orderly way and step by step is enough.