- 預備式:雙腳站穩,向平微分。右掌心置於下巴之下喉嚨之上,左掌放在胸口上。開始,右掌向上用力撥按下巴,於是右掌擦過下巴時即伸高至額頭以上;
接著左掌用同樣方法向上撥擦下巴,右手擦按和左手擦按合成為「一」,共擦「十」而止,即下巴共按摩二十下,左掌十下右掌十下。 - 第二部分預備式,右掌全掌貼向左頸側,左掌放在近右頸側之前五寸,開始時右掌按著左項側,自左向右拉按,拉至喉嚨前即放開,此時左掌自右項側拉按向左,如此右拉完到左,即左按拉十次右按拉十次,共二十次而止。
* *自下巴向上撥按是用掌心近腕的壓力,自左右側頸按擦則以指至掌心前的壓力為主。 - 在用雙掌的手指向橫按擦左右頸側之後,輪到用左右手的手指輕輕敲打臉部。打法是用左右手的手指第一節向左右臉頰全接觸地,由下向上經耳鬢與眼角側輕輕打上太陽穴而至前額,再由前額經太陽穴向左右臉頰輕輕敲打,這樣由下至上,由上而下打十次,在打臉頰時不叫聲數次數,只在心中默默地唸數著。
- 打完臉頰後再將左右手的手指微曲,利用食指至尾指的指頭,即近指甲的指頭部份,由左右太陽穴向頭頂輕輕敲打,在頭頂的百會穴和左右太陽穴等部位多敲打幾下,也是由下而上由上而下不斷地敲打十次。
Posture 27: Exercise for the Neck
The twenty-seventh posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Exercise for the Neck”.
This is a massage exercise for the neck rather than a stretching exercise for the muscle and the joints. The method of massage is easy to learn.
This posture can be roughly divided into two parts. The first part is to raise the head upward slightly. Move both hands upward from the jaw and do the massage. The second part is to move both hands upward from the neck. One should not raise up the head too high.
Movement 1: Stand upright, with feet slightly apart. Touch the region above the Adam’s apple with the palm of the right hand and the left hand should be at the position of the chest. When start doing move the hand upward above the jaw. Then use the left hand and do the same movement for ten times by using the left hand and ten times by using the right hand.
Movement 2: Touch the left side of the neck with the palm of the right hand. The left palm should be ready at the position of about five inches in front of the right side ofthe neck. When ready, move the right palm from the left side of the neck to the right and move off the hand at the position of the Adam’s apple. Meanwhile, move the left hand from the right side of the neck to the left. Do ten times for each side.
Note: When doing movement 1, remember to use the force of the palm. While doing movement 2 remember to use the force of the fingers.
This helps to reduce the fat of the jaw and prevent thyroid gland goiter. But if one only practises this posture without doing the other postures, on cannot achieve the desirable effect.
Besides these two movements, there are two other movements. The two movements are to strike the face and to strike the head.
When finish doing the above-mentioned movement, we do the movement of striking the face. The method is to use the first joint of the fingers of both hands to strike the face in a circular motion from the earlobe upward to the forehead and back to the taiyang acupoint and the Bai Hui acupoint (百會穴). Do the up and down striking for ten times.
Although the entire posture is a massage exercise, the method of using the fingers is different. When we do the second part movement, we use the finger joints of all the fingers to do the massage. When we strike the face, we use the first joint of all fingers while we strike the head, we use the fingertip.
This massage exercise is beneficial to the blood circulation of the head and the joints and nerve endings of the fingers and facilitates the sense of touch.