這一式「掩耳彈指」,對眼耳口鼻和後腦的神經腺都起按壓作用,可防止耳鳴、眼流和鼻敏感。大家都知道眼耳鼻喉是互相關連的,懂得深海潛水的人,在潛水升起時都懂得用手 實鼻頭,用力呼氣作為減壓的一種步驟,就是因為耳眼口鼻互相關連,可使空氣對人體的壓力減低的動作。「掩耳彈指」使耳朵受到壓力,再用食指彈後腦,於是眼中的水分不流入耳孔,可防中耳炎及流耳膿,口腔的津液不向上行而咽於喉內,咽下肚去而解渴,故做「六通拳」健身操,雖然滿身大汗,仍不必飲水,就是這個緣故。
Posture 30: Cover the Ears with Hands and Press the Fingers
The thirtieth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Cover the ears with hands and press the fingers”. This exercise is good to the ear and the brain. It is easy to learn.
Starting position: Put the hands on the back of the head and cover the ears with the palms. Thus the fingers are touching the back of the head. Remember that the middle finger of the left hand should point to the middle finger of the right hand.
Movement 1: Place the index finger of the right hand on the middle finger, then slap the index finger down to tap the back of the head. After tapping once, place the index finger again on the middle finger and tap again. Do the movement for ten times.
Then it is the turn for the left hand. Do the same movement as has been done by the right hand and do the movement for ten times. Remember to cover the ears with the palms. Other traditional Chinese exercise has a posture known as “Wu Tian Gu” (鳴天鼓) and the movement is similar to this posture. But the posture “Wu Tian Gu” is to use the right hand and the left hand to tap the back of the head at the same time and one needs to do the movement for forty-nine times.
This posture is good to the eyes, the nose, the ears, the mouth and the nervous system of the brain. It can prevent tinnitus, watery eyes, allergic rhinitis. This posture forces the ears to receive some pressure, thus when we tap the back of the brain, the tears will not fall into the ears, thus prevents otitis media.