- 預備式:雙手伸直,但不用力,放軟,在兩腰間慢慢提起,至高過胸前,仍是全身和雙手放軟,然後雙手徐徐放軟至左右兩腹旁邊,這時雙手漸漸用力登直十隻手指,突然用力自左右腰側使勁向下猛拉,這樣的向下拉動的勁力,令肩頭及全身為之一震,這樣雙手十指仍用力在左右腿側用力拉緊,開始將頸向左扭動。扭動方法:眼向前望,頭向左側,使右頸骨向左伸展,叫「一」;然後頭又向右傾側,使左頸骨向右伸展,叫「二」;再如前向左側頭,叫「三」,側完左再側右叫「四」;左側三下,右側三下,共六下,然後將頭提正。
- 將垂放左右腿邊的雙掌向頭上左右耳邊猛力伸直。這一伸,十指朝天,亦使全身筋骨及五經六腑震動。這時伸向上的左右掌徐徐向左右用力反掌朝後彎向身後,左掌自左胳肢窩和左腰之間屈向前,右掌亦同時朝右胳肢窩和右腰之間屈向前,於是將雙掌略為提一提。提時掌心向天。
- 提完之後反掌,用雙掌的掌心貼著左右大腿,開始用雙腳支撐關節作打圈運動,叫做「膝頭打大圈」。雙膝一齊向左轉動向右,叫「一」,做十下,然後雙膝由右向左打圈,亦做十下。整個三十四式「六度梅」至此才告完成。
Posture 34: The Burst of Plum Blossom for Six Times
The thirty-fourth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “The burst of plum blossom for six times”. It is an exercise for five parts of the body, that is, the neck, the shoulder, the hand, the chest and the knees.
Starting position: Keep the two hands straight but do not use effort. Raise both hands from the waist and then bring the two arms back to the two sides. Then use effort and keep the fingers straight. Try to press down. Turn he head to the left and count “one” and turn the head to the right and count “two”. Do the turning for six times. Raise both hands from the sides until they reach a vertical position. Turn the palms outward and bring the two hands down on the knees. Bend the knees slightly and twist the knees in a clockwise direction for ten times and then in an anti-clockwise direction for ten times. Posture 34 thus comes to an end.
This exercise can produce very good effects. The pressing down of both hands downward enables the internal organs to have some throbbing. The raising up of the arms enables the muscle to have some stretching. The turning of the head to the left and to the right is beneficial to the joints, thus prevents rheumatism. Those who suffer form rheumatism can try to do this exercise.