- 第一部分拉腿,預備式:左腳向前踏一大步,雙手伸掌向前,姆指曲入掌心,四指屈入握拳,然後「唏」的一聲,雙拳向左右腰稍後之處用力按著,該處位置是左右盤骨上面,這時盡自己的氣力把後面的右腿拉緊,腳跟緊貼地上,前面的左腳向前盡量屈低,利用左右肩頭向後拉動,令到上身挺直而不向前仆低,這時便覺小腿即腳瓜上的筋和腳跟的韌帶被拉緊,使小腿以下的筋肉盡量伸展,臀部向下坐低,至能支持多久即多久。然後提高身軀,左腳亦回復踏步時原狀,這是拉右小腿的部分。
然後,再伸手向前,握拳,放於左右腰後盤骨之上,用力支撐,身軀坐低,前面的左腳屈膝,後面的腳盡量向後撐,腳跟離地,用腳尖,使之盡量向後伸展,這時大腿的肌肉和筋絡,膝關節韌帶因而拉緊,身軀越向下坐低,拉緊之力越大,然後叫「坐、坐、坐」,即盡量使身軀坐低之意,坐至最低為止,這是拉右腿部分。 - 拉左腿部分,右腳向前踏一大步,方法也是和右腿一樣,先拉左的小腿,在後面的左腳腳跟不可離地,這樣才拉緊左小腿和小腿至腳跟的筋絡。拉左大腿時則左腳跟離地,以左足尖支持,向後伸展,拉緊左大腿的筋絡,亦叫「坐、坐、坐」,將身軀盡量坐低,使後面的左大腿肌肉和筋絡拉緊,至最低然後站起。這一式完成後,亦即完成了六通拳健身操全套三十六式。
Posture 36: The Stretching of Legs
The thirty-sixth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “the Stretching of Legs”. As the name suggests, it is a stretching exercise of the tow legs, the left and the right. This stretching exercise also includes the stretching of the thighs and the lower legs.
Starting position: Move the left foot a step forward. Clench the fists.
Movement 1: Hold back the two fists to the side of the waist. Bend the front left leg. Keep the body upright and press the front leg. Such pressing will enable the stretching of the muscle of the lower leg. Then stand up and return to the starting position.
Movement 2: Stretch the hands forward and clench the fists. Draw back to the level of the waist and try to lower the trunk. Bend the front left leg. Straighten the back leg. Heels up. Stand on tiptoes. This movement is to strengthen the right leg.
Movement 3: Withdraw back the left foot and take the right foot a step forward. The method is the same as described above. But this time it is to stress the left foot. When one finish doing this posture, the entire Luk Tung Kuen will come to an end.