1. 預備式:右手叉腰,左腳向後屈起,用左手向下抓著左腳的腳背,使腳跟盡量拉貼臀部。站定之後,叉腰的右手,向右打橫伸直,五隻右手的手指用力張開,站立的時間為一百三十秒,為免看手錶的麻煩,故可用心算,數著一百三十之數,即相當於一百三十秒。集體練習時,通常由場地的師兄師姐代表數著數目。初學時是不易一下子站足一百三十秒的,可量力而為,不能支持即將左腳放下,或分兩次至三次站足一百三十秒之數。
2. 預備式:左手叉腰,右腳向後揪起,右手抓緊右腳的腳背,腳跟貼近臀部,然後左手橫抽,五指伸直,亦站一百三十秒,力不足可分兩次至三次站立。
Posture 35: Standing on One Leg
The thirty-fifth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Standing on One Leg”. The exercise is easy to learn. As the name suggests, the exercises try to stand on one leg only. The posture can be roughly divided into two parts, the first part is to stand on the left leg and the second part is to stand on the right leg. This is also another type of stretching exercise.
Movement 1: Stand on the right leg only with the right arm akimbo. Bend the left leg backward and hold the tiptoes of the left foot with the leg hand. Then stretch the right arm sideward until they reach horizontally. Keep the fingers straight. Stand for 130 seconds. If one cannot stand for so long a period of time, do what one is capable of.
Movement 2: Stand on the left foot only with left arm akimbo. Bend the right leg backward. Hold the tiptoe of the right foot with the right hand. Stretch out the left arm horizontally and keep the fingers straight. Stand for 30 seconds.
This exercise helps to facilitate blood circulation. Beginners may discover that by stretching out the fingers for about 100 seconds, they may fell paralysis. It is because blood has not yet reached the fingertips. After a long time of practice, the feeling of paralysis will vanish. If one can stands on one leg for 130 seconds and has no felling of paralysis, this mean that one can achieve the desirable result.