- 預備式:雙腳平開,雙手伸掌向後,札穩馬步後,即開始將雙掌向前平伸於胸前之外,掌心向上。前導式是「揸住條總線」,即將兩掌姆指屈入掌心,其餘手指屈入緊握拳頭,這時掌心仍向天,將雙拳拉到左右腰上。叫「唏」,前導動作完成。
- 開始叫「一」,將雙掌向前直伸打出,雙拳在打出時,拳背仍向地,這就像「雙龍出海」的樣子;叫「二」,即將雙拳反轉,使拳背向天,拳心向地。
- 叫「三」,立即將雙拳收回至兩腰旁邊,然後化拳為掌,用雙掌從腹側向下按,順勢彎腰向前,叫「四」。當雙掌落至大腿近膝頭之時,雙掌即向胯下空間滑落,腰已經順勢躬向前至低位,注意是頭部不可垂低,要用頸力將頭抬起,臉部仰高,免腦部突然充血。
- 這時雙掌滑至胯下的空間,要手背向手背,然後慢慢將腰提起,雙掌同時握拳向左右分開,徐徐向後,曲肱使雙拳放於尾龍骨處,左拳在上,右拳在下。
- 以拳背緊貼尾龍骨,口叫「五」,徐徐彎腰向後,仰面,用手力撐住尾龍骨。「五」的姿勢是用頸力和手力支撐身體,避免向後仆倒。當腰骨向後彎至自己認為夠低時,即慢慢向前躬腰,叫「六」,腰躬至最低時,再徐徐提起,又向後彎腰,叫「七」。腰向後彎到最低之時再提起,這第一部分的動作完成。
- 預備式:左腳上前,雙手伸掌向後,札穩馬步後,即開始將雙掌向前平伸於胸前之外,掌心向上。前導式是「揸住條總線」,即將兩掌姆指屈入掌心,其餘手指屈入緊握拳頭,這時拳心仍向天,將雙拳拉到左右腰上,叫「唏」,前導動作完成。
- 開始叫「一」,打出雙掌於前面,拳心仍向天;叫「二」,將雙拳一扭,拳心向地,拳背向天;叫「三」,即將雙拳化為掌,扭身將雙掌掌背向掌背朝前腳和後腳中間落下,這時順勢躬向前;叫「四」,雙掌背向背提起,提至與肩齊時即握拳向後伸,屈至尾龍骨,雙拳的拳背緊貼尾龍骨;叫「五」,即仰面向後彎腰,用手力、腰力、肩膊力支持彎腰向後,彎至後面最低的位置,然後徐徐將腰提起,向前躬身,面昂起,下巴對正左腳尖;叫「六」,又再徐徐自前提起身軀,再向後拗腰,一如「五」的模樣;叫「七」,彎到最低位才提直身軀,此第二部分動作亦告完成。
- 第三部分是收左腳伸出右腳,成右弓馬形馬步,預備式:雙掌伸後,再伸向前,握拳,叫「唏」,縮雙拳至腰,打出叫「一」;反拳至腰叫「二」;化拳為掌手背向手背自胯中向地伸下叫「三」;再伸起握拳反後貼於尾龍骨叫「四」;拗腰仰面向後彎叫「五」;向前躬腰叫「六」;再仰面向後拗腰叫「七」;動作和第二部分相同,只是第三部分是右腳踏前,成右前弓馬而已。
Posture 33: Two Dragons Spit Pearls
The thirty-third posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Tow Dragons Spit Pearls”. This posture is roughly divided into three parts.
Movement 1: Stand upright, feet apart slightly. When count “one”, stretch out both arms forward. Clench the fists with palms facing upward and the back of the hand facing downward. When count “two”, turn the palms upside down with the palm facing downward. When count “three”, withdraw both fists back to the knees. Remember to keep the head upright so as to avoid encephalemia. When the two hands are at the level of the knees, move the two hands between the two legs, the back of the left hand should face the back of the right hand and lift up the trunk. Then clench the fists again at two sides. Bend the upper arm slightly and place the left fist on the top of the right fist at the backbone and count “five”. Bend the trunk backward, use the hands and the fists to support the body. Then bend the trunk forward and count “six”. After bending forward, then bend the trunk backward again and count “seven”. This comes to an end of movement 1.
Movement 2 helps to practise the forward-bending and backward-bending of the backbone. It can strengthen the backbone.
Movement 2: Move the left foot a step forward. Stretch both arms forward with the palms facing upward. Clench the fists. The method of clenching is the same as the method as described in posture 11 with the palms still facing upward. Then withdraw back the two fists to the waist. Bend the elbow. Then palms are still facing upward and count “two”. Turn the palms upside down with the palms facing downward and count “three”. Then unloose the fists. Bend the trunk and stretch the two arms in between the two legs and count “four”, the back of the left hand should face the back of the right hand, raise the hands upward until they reach the level of the shoulder, move the two hands backward until two fists touch the backbone and count “five”. Then bend the trunk backward and raise up the body and count “six”. Then bend the trunk backward again and raise up the body and count “seven”, In this way, movement 2 comes to an end.
Movement 3: withdraw the left foot and move the right foot a step forward. Stretch the hands forward, clench the fists, withdraw the two hands to the level of the waist. Bend the elbow. The palms are still facing upward and count “two”. Bend the trunk and stretch the two arms downward in between the two legs and count “three”. Move the two hands backward until they touch the backbone and count “four”. Bend the trunk backward and count “five”. Bend forward and count “six” and bend backward and count “seven”.
Note: When bending backward, keep the front leg straight and bend the back leg slightly. When bending forward, keep the back leg straight and bend the front leg slightly.
This exercise can help to strengthen the waist and it can prevent arthritis.