


  1. 開始時,左右手叉在左右腰部,左腳站定,右腳踏前一步。
  2. 用力將右腳提起,腳尖向上,膝頭提高,腳向後屈,使腳踭越接近右臀股為最好。當屈腳提起時口中叫「一」,隨即放下,再向上照式提腿,口中叫
  3. 右腳提膝仍吊起,於是做第二項踢腳運動,將腳尖向下用力踢,又收起提腳,踢一次,叫「一」,踢二下叫「二」,踢至十為止。右腿運動做完,轉為右腳站地,提左腳,先做十次踏單車式,再做十次踢腳式,便告完成。




Posture 7: Riding the Bicycle

The seventh posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Riding the Bicycle”. In fact, “Riding the Bicycle” is only part of the posture, the other part can be termed as “kick by tiptoe”.

Starting Position: Standing, hands on hips, move the right foot a step forward.

Movement 1: Lift the right leg, tiptoe upward. Bend the leg backward as close as possible to the hip. When bending the leg, count “once”, the unbend the leg. Repeat the same sequence for ten times. Remember that the right foot should not touch the ground and the whole body is supported by the left leg. Since this movement is similar to the movement of riding the bicycle, therefore this part is termed as “Riding the Bicycle”.

Movement 2: When finish doing movement 1, continue to do movement 2. The right leg is still lifting up. This time, with the tiptoes pointing downward, kick forward. Then return to the starting position. When kick once, count “one”. Do the movement for ten times. When finish completing movement 2, repeat the whole sequence (movement 1 and 2 altogether) with the left leg.

This exercise can strengthen the balancing power of the body when standing on one foot. At the same time, it strengthens the joints of our legs, the nervous system and the lymph of the body. Beginners may find it difficult to stand on one foot only while the other foot is doing “Riding the bicycle” and “Kick by tiptoe” movements simultaneously.

Some exercisers are able to do it but their feet usually touch the ground after a few trials. It is especially difficult for those who are deaf or have tinnitus. They may find it much harder in standing on one foot. In this case, if they really cannot balance the body, they can touch the ground. All in all, do what one is capable of one can achieve the desirable result if one keeps on doing. By the time when the person can stand on one foot and complete the whole movement, one can regain his or her sense of hearing.