- 將伸向後面的雙手,向前伸直,與身體成九十度角;
- 將左右手的食、中、無名、尾指互相扣緊,這樣左右手的姆指便相對地豎起,此時雙掌的掌心向著自己的面門。
- 將一雙手指扣緊的手掌向外反手,令手掌心向外,手背向面,用手臂和肩的力向前推出,同時,緊咬口中牙齒,用鼻深呼吸,口中叫「一」時,牙齦鬆開,隨即又咬緊,口中叫「二時」,牙齦又鬆開,繼續咬緊,然後叫「三」時,才放開牙齦。將雙掌仍照掌心向外的反掌式,將雙掌向心窩處拉回,雙手手背貼住心胸,然後用力向前盡量伸出,口中叫「一」,打出時用力,收回時不用力,收回後再打出,叫「二」。如是者收回一次,打出一次,口中都叫著打出的次數,一共收回打出共十次。
- 將雙掌(依然手指互相扣緊)放在胸前,但掌心向下,這時將雙掌向下,彎腰向地上壓下去。雙腳要直,膝頭不要曲,壓下一下,口中叫「一」,壓下第二下叫「二」,壓下十次為止。
Posture 1: Open the Door with Hands
The first step of most of the postures of Luk Tung Kuen is to stretch out both arms and all fingers backward. This is the initial step. It servers two purposes: first, the stretching of the arms and shoulder backward enable the muscles and finger joints to have some exercises. This is the preparatory procedure for the consecutive movement of the bones, muscles and finger joints; simultaneously, this stretching makes one to stand firm in order to balance the whole body. It is only the initial step of the first posture.
The first posture of Luk Tung Kuen, known as “Open the Door with Hands”, is composed of three parts of movement.
Starting position: Standing, heels together.
Movement 1: Extend both arms forward horizontally. (The arms have already stretched out backward during the initial step) All fingers, except the thumbs, which are in an upright position, are interlacing together with the palms of the hands facing the body. Then turn the hands inside out with the back of the hands facing the body.
Push the arms forward with efforts of the arm and the shoulder. Clench the jaws and take a deep breath. When count “one” aloud, release the gum then clench the jaws again; When count “two”, release the gum again but clench the jaws afterward until one count “three” then release the gum completely.
Movement 2: With the palms of the hands facing outward, draw the arms back and press close to the pit of the stomach. Stretch out both arms forward with effort and count “one”. Remember to use strength when stretching out the arms but there is no need to use strength when pulling them back. Repeat the same movement for ten times.
Movement 3: Place both hands at the position of the pit of the stomach (fingers are still interlacing together) with the palms of the hands facing downward. Bend the trunk and press downward. Keep the legs and knees straight. When press once, count “one”. Repeat the same movement for ten times.
The efficacy of this posture is that the repeated clenching of jaws is beneficial to the teeth. At the same time, the later part of the posture can help to facilitate the respiration and to adjust the regular movement of the cardiac muscle, which in turn facilitates blood circulation.
Beginners should first get use to the method before using effort. Beginners should increase the volume of exercise gradually. In this way, they will find no difficulty.