


  1. 預備式:雙手十指直伸,分左右平放腰間,姆指輕貼盤骨上,掌心向下。注意,節奏是先慢後快,先用陰力,後用陽力。
  2. 開始時,雙掌慢慢向前平伸到與肩看齊,然後緩慢地將雙掌掌背向掌背,向左右分開,似蛙泳時撥水的形狀,在雙掌伸出及雙掌向左右分開時,腳踭亦緩慢提起。用鼻孔深深吸氣,當雙掌撥至肩後的位置時,快速地將雙掌自腰間用勁力打出。這一下動作很快,差不多在一秒鐘之內完成多項動作,此動作包括將手掌反掌為掌心向上,掌背向下,同時自左右腰間打出,腳跟落地,叫「一」。
  3. 然後做第二下動作,再將雙掌收回腰間,十指伸直,掌心向地,再提起腳跟雙掌緩緩伸出,然後掌背向掌背往左右撥。閉口用鼻深呼吸,雙掌撥至向後的位置時,突然反掌自腰間打出向前伸出雙掌,掌心向天,腳跟落地,叫「二」,先慢後快,用陰陽力反掌打出,做十次即成。



Posture 16: Yin and Yang

The sixteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Yin and Yang”. It is because the exercisers stretch out the hands with the force of Yin and Yang. The purpose of this exercise is to train our reaction so that when we topple down, we can protect ourselves by stretching out the hands immediately.

Starting position: The starting position is similar to posture 15. Keep the fingers straight. Bend the elbows slightly. Touch the level of the hip by the thumbs with the palms facing downward. One point that worths noticing is that the speed of doing this exercise is slow at the beginning and then increase gradually. Use the Yin force and then the Yang force.

Movement 1: At the start, raise both hands forward and turn the palms inside out. Then the palm of the left hand is facing the palm of the right hand. Stretch out the hands sideward. The movement resembles someone who are swimming in breaststroke style. When stretching out the arms, raise up the heels slightly and breathe in deeply. When the two hands are almost at the level of the shoulder, stretch forward with effort. This sequence of action should be done at a fast speed. It should be finished in a second and count “one”. Again, return to the starting position. Keep the fingers straight with the palms facing downward. The hands should be at the level of the waist. Then stretch out the hands and breathe in deeply. When the hands are at the level of the shoulder, stretch out forward and heels down, then count two”. Do it slowly first, then increase the speed. Repeat the whole sequence for ten times.

Note: When stretching out both hands until they reach the level of the shoulder, the movement is slow. When stretching out both hands sideward just like someone who are swimming in breaststroke style, the movement is still slow, that is to use the Yin force. When stretch out the hands forward, use the Yang force. The movement should be fast. Bring the heels down.

This sequence of movement is not only strengthens respiration but it can train our response by doing three movements almost at the same time (about one second). The two hands will stretch out, the feet will support the body and one will stand upright. Hence, if a person who topples down, he or she can support the body by stretching out the hands immediately.




  1. 預備式:雙掌十指張開,手踭向後曲,雙掌平放於左右腰側,姆指輕輕貼著盤骨側,掌心向下,掌背向上,雙腳分開,挺胸。
  2. 隨聲叫「一」時即將腳踭提起,雙掌同時向前平伸,雙掌的高度與肩齊。叫「二」,雙掌立即向左右用勁分開平伸,伸至雙手與身體成「十」字形時,雙掌即刻反掌,原本是掌心向地,此時一齊反之,使雙掌的掌心向天,立即叫「三」,雙掌自然落下於左右腿的大髀側,拍然一聲腳踭隨聲而落著於地面,立即又將雙掌提至兩腰側,如預備式。
  3. 跟著如上的動作,雙掌向前平伸,腳踭提起,叫「二」,待平伸如「十」字形時即反掌叫「三」,腳踭落地而雙手亦同時拍落兩側的大腿側,隨即又做第三次,叫「三二三」、「四二三」,做十次,叫至「十二三」止。



Posture 15: Stretch Out the Hands and Hold Back the Feet

The fifteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is termed by Ha Kinh as “Stretch Out the Hands and Hold Back the Feet”. When stretch out the hands, the heels are up at the same time. The heels are down when the two hands (with palms facing outward) hit the thigh. This is a movement for both the hand and the feet.

Starting position: Standing upright, with feet apart at shoulder level. Bend the elbows slightly. Stretch out the fingers. The two hands are at the level of the waist with the thumb touching the level of the hip. The palms are facing downward and the back of the hands are facing upward.

Movement 1: When count “one”, the heels are up. Stretch out the hands upward until they reach the level of the shoulder with the palms facing downward. When count “two”, stretch out the arms horizontally. Thus the two arms and the body are forming a cross shape. Turn the palms upward and count “three”, bring the arms down to the level of the hip with effort and lower the heels slowly. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the whole sequence for ten times.

When doing this posture, remember to breathe out when stretching the hands upward and raising up the heels. When stretching out both hands horizontally, remember to breath in deeply. When the heels are down, the palms are turning outward and the arms are brought back to the sides, just breathe in and out naturally since the speed of these movements are fast. This exercise is a stretching exercise. It helps to prevent amyotrophy. This exercise helps to stretch the muscles of the two arms and the two wrists which in turn facilitates metabolism. Thus it helps to prevent rheumatism.

Beginners should avoid raising up the heels too high, otherwise the body will lose balance. Do what one is capable of. Beginners should try to get used to the posture first. After a long time practice, the physique of the body will be strengthened.




  1. 左風車的預備式:雙腳分開,挺腰,左掌向左方橫伸,五指伸直,掌心向下。右手亦伸直五指,在身前向左扭向左掌的下方,掌心向上,掌背向下,兩掌相距約一尺,於是兩掌的掌心相對。
  2. 兩手保持相等距離,躬腰,隨即雙掌往身前胯下處一齊向地面落下。
  3. 落至地面時徐徐向右方轉上,依然保持左掌在上、右掌在下,轉到頭頂之上時,雙掌直伸至頭頂之際,雙掌的掌心向前,叫「一」。然後又向左落,落時仍保持左掌在上,右掌在下,保持雙掌掌心相向,一直轉向胯下再轉右,伸向頭頂,當伸至頭頂時叫「二」,然後照式落下,似風車的由左轉右由右轉上循環轉動,十轉為止。
  4. 第二部分為右風車。右掌向右平伸,掌心向下,左掌扭向右方,左掌掌心向上,在右掌之下約一尺距離,預備式做好,即由右落下向左轉向上,伸至頭頂時雙掌向外,才叫「一」,然後又向右轉落下,保持右掌在左掌之上,右掌掌心向下,兩掌掌心相對,做十下,即完成。



Posture 14: Windmill

The fourteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Windmill”. Just as the name suggests, the posture resembles the turning round and round of the windmill.

The posture is divided into two parts, the left and the right. The speed is moderate.

Starting position: Stand upright, feet apart at shoulder width. Stretch the left arm to the side at shoulder level fingers straight with palms facing downward. Keep the fingers of the right hand straight. Stretch the right hand to the left with the palm of the right hand facing the palm of the left hand, that is they are parallel to each other with the left hand above the right hand. The distance between the left hand and the right hand is about one feet.

Movement 1: When the instructor says “down”, keep the two hands at a distance and bend the trunk down ward in a clockwise direction. When the two hands are almost touching the ground, turn to the right. Keep the left hand on top of the right hand. Then turn slightly until the two arms are in a vertical position with the palms facing forward and count “one”. Then turn to the left again. Remember that the two arms are parallel to each other. The left hand should be above the right hand. Remember that the palms of both hands should face each other. Repeat the same turning when the two arms reach the head and in a vertical position, count “two”. Repeat the turning for ten times. This turning looks like a windmill which is turning from left to right. This is the “left windmill”.

Movement 2: Then second part is known as “right windmill”. Stretch the right arm to the side at shoulder level with the palms facing downward. Stretch the left hand to the right with the palm of the left hand facing the palm of the right hand, that is, they are parallel to each other with the right hand above the left hand. Then distance between the right hand and the left hand is about one feet. When the instructor says “down”, keep the two hands at a distance and bend the trunk downward in an anti-clockwise direction. When the two arms are in a vertical position above the head, count “one”. Then turn to the right. Remember that the two arms are parallel to each other Remember that the palms of both hand should face each.

This exercise can facilitate blood circulation and reduce the fat of the belly by the bending and stretching exercise. This exercise is beneficial to the backbone also. Since all postures of Luk Tung Kuen are closely-connected if one only practises this posture without practising the other postures, then the effect is not so desirable.



  1. 預備式:十指張開伸直,先將右掌向上彎,掌背貼著頭頂的「百會穴」,左掌則垂下貼著左腿側,開始叫「一」,左掌從左腿側的位置打橫伸直然後向頭頂上彎去,這時右掌隨著左掌的上而向右落至右腿側。左掌貼頭時仍掌心向天,掌背貼著頭頂正中的「百會穴」。
  2. 隨即又右掌提起、左掌落下。右掌心向天,掌背貼著頭頂,和預備式的姿勢一樣,叫「二」。這樣左掌上右掌落,右掌上左掌落,做十次。上落的節奏不快也不太慢,屬於中度節奏,不徐不疾。



Posture 13: Hands Up and Down

The thirteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Hands Up and Down”.

This posture is simple enough.

Starting position: Standing, keep the fingers straight. Raise up the right hand with the palm facing upward and touch the top of the head at the Bai Hui acupoint (百會穴). Keep the left hand at side.

Movement 1: When count “one”, raise up the left hand with the palm facing upward and touch the Bai Hui acupoint. Meanwhile, bring the right arm down to the side slowly. When finished, raise up the right arm again and touch the Bai Hui acupoint and bring the left arm down slowly. That is, return to the starting position. Do this up and down movement for ten times. The speed should be moderate.

Note: When doing this exercise, stand upright. Keep the waist, the fingers, the chest straight, feet apart shoulder width. It can facilitate blood circulation. It is a kind of bending and stretching exercise.

Those who are interested in doing exercise know that different exercise requires different speed. The speed of doing rhythemical exercise is violent, the speed of jogging is moderate while the speed of doing Tai Ji Quan (太極拳) is slow. The speed of Luk Tung Kuen is various. It is because the thirty-six postures o f Luk Tung Kuen is not consecutive. After finish doing one posture and before doing another posture, there is the preparatory step, therefore the speed for each posture is different.




  1. 預備式:雙手伸直十指向後拉直,開始動作時叫「一」,雙掌立即向前齊伸,掌心向地,手與肩齊,同時握拳,握拳法是姆指在掌心,其餘四指緊握姆指成拳,然後立即曲肘平放於胸前。這時左手在外,右手在內。
  2. 左拳在右手的手踭外面,約離右手踭一寸,右拳在左手踭之內約一寸,於是這兩隻手的手踭用力打出兩下,打出一下叫「二」,打出第二下叫「三」,打踭時頭向右,眼望右手的手踭,然後雙手放下,向後拉,雙手再伸向前握拳,如1的動作一樣,握拳時叫「一」,頭隨即向左,打兩下手踭時口中叫「二」和「三」,這樣左右輪流如法做,叫「三、二、三」、「四、二、三」,共做十次,至「十、二、三」止。



Posture 12: Crab Posture

The twelfth posture of Luk Tung Exercise is known as “Crab Posture”. This exercise is an innovation and its posture is an integration of the ideas of the East and the West. Those who are interested in doing exercise will appreciate this posture and its function.

Starting position: Raise the hands upward until they reach the level of the shoulder with the palm facing downward. Then clench the fists. The method of clenching is the same as described in posture 11. Cross the arms in front of the chest.

Movement 1: The right arm should be about on inch away from the chest and the left arm should be one inch away from the right arm. In simplified terms, the two arms are parallel with each other. In this way, the two arms are like two claws of a crab. Stretch the arms with effort to the sides at shoulder level. Keep the elbows straight. When stretch out the left arm, count “two”, then the right arm and count “three”. When stretching out, turn the head to the left with the eye looking at the left. When finished, return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement and when stretching out, turn the head to the right. Repeat the same procedure for ten times.

Note: When raising the two arms upward, heels should be off the ground. Stand on tiptoes. When stretching out both arms sideward, heels down.

Other exercises depend on using chest expander to do exercises. “Drawing Bow” posture of Ba Duan Jin (Eight Fine Exercises, 八段錦) has similar posture. Luk Tung Kuen is the combination of both. Other exercises usually rely on using chest expander or other apparatus to achieve the result of expanding the chest. But there is no need for us to use any apparatus in doing this exercise. In the posture of “Drawing a Bow Towards Both Sides Resembles Shooting an Eagle” in Ba Duan Jin (Eight Fine Exercise, 八段錦), there is no such movement as clenching the fists, the rising up of heels, the stretching out of both arms outward and the turning of the head. Therefore, the chest-expanding exercise has no exercise for the eyes and the neck. Ba Duan Jin has no stretching exercise. Since there is no such movement as raising up the arms forward until they reach the level of the shoulder, therefore other exercises can only strengthen the chest while this exercise can strengthen the tonsil as well. The stretching out of both arms can also reduce the fat of the lung.






  1. 預備式:雙腳分開,挺直身軀,雙手向後伸直,全部手指張開也挺直,將馬步坐低。然後雙手向前伸直,掌心向天,雙手與肩齊。握「文拳」,叫一聲「唏」,雙拳縮向左右腰部貼緊,接著右手開始打拳。
  2. 打拳分三個段落,將右手屈肘拳向上與肩齊,迅速打落跨前近左方的空間,因此腰也略向左扭,頭亦向左轉,叫「一」,隨即將拳提起,曲右肘拳與肩齊,注意眼望手踭,口中叫「二」,隨即將右拳用力向後拉,叫「三」,拳貼回腰部,於是輪至左手同一方式打拳,打下時叫「一」,提左拳曲肘向肩叫「二」,左肘打踭向後將左拳回到腰部叫「三」,右掌又如此打拳叫「三」,提拳時叫「二」,打踭時叫「三」,這樣左右拳輪流打拳,叫「四二三」、「五二三」到「十二三」為止。


Posture 11: Stand Firm and Play Chinese Boxing

The name of Luk Tung Kuen is originated from the eleventh posture “Stand Firm and Play Chinese Boxing” since among the thirty-six postures, only this posture involves Chinese boxing which in turn regulates bodily function.

Prior to the discussion of the posture, let us first analyse the clenching of the fists. The clenching of fists of other exercise is different from that of Luk Tung Kuen. The clenching of fists of the latter is to crook the thumb into the palm before the clenching of other fingers. The clenching of fists of both hands are in this way which Ha Kinh termed as “hold the main stream”.

Obviously, this way of clenching of fists is not designed for fighting but doing exercise. It is definitely not a kind of martial arts.

Starting position: Stand upright, feet apart at shoulder width. Swing both arms backward. Keep the fingers straight. Bend the knees slightly. Then swing the arms forward until they reach the level of the shoulder with the palms facing upward.

Movement 1: When the instructor says “hold the main stream”, clench the fists as described above and be ready. Bend the elbows of both arms at the level of the waist. Bend the elbow of the right hand back to the side. Strike the right arm down to the left side just as performing shadowboxing. Turn the head and the trunk to the left at the same time and count “one”. Then, lift up the right fist back to the side and count “two” and strike backward with effort and count “three”. Then return the right fist to the level of the waist. When finished, turn to the left arm. Strike down to the right and bend the elbow back to the side. Strike backward with effort. Then return the left fist to the level of the waist. When stretching out the arms, do it as if hitting a target with the fists. Do this striking with the right hand and left hand alternately for ten times.

When doing shadow boxing, strike the right fist to the left and the left fist to the right. Turn the trunk, the head and the eyes accordingly. It is in this way that the exercise can regulate bodily functions.




  1. 預備式:雙腳微開,身體直立,挺直脊骨,左手五指伸直,反掌貼在頭頂正中的地方,左手掌心向天,掌背貼在頭頂的「百會穴」上,右手同時五指伸直手踭向後微曲,將挺指的掌放在左腰部上位,掌心向地,掌背向上。
  2.  叫「一」,同時左掌用力向天直伸,放在腰部的右掌一齊應聲用力向下登直,成為一隻掌向天直伸,一隻掌向地直伸,伸直後隨即恢復原狀,即左掌仍然掌心向天、掌背貼位頭頂,右掌仍然掌心向地貼近左腰。隨即叫「二」,再做上述動作十次。
  3. 右掌放在頭上,左掌放在腰間,動作和1、2相同,只是換了右掌伸直向天,左掌伸直向地,亦做十次。


Posture 10: Hand Exercise

The tenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Hand Exercise”. Let us first analyse the posture and then its name.

Starting position: Stand Upright. Raise up the right arm. The right hand should touch the top of the head at the position of Bai Hui acupuncture point (百會穴) with the palm facing upward. Keep the fingers straight. Bend the elbow of the left arm slightly and the hand should be at the level of the waist with the palm facing downward.

Movement 1: When ready, the instructor count “one” push the right hand upward with effort. Meanwhile, the left hand pushes downward with effort, fingers pointing forward. That is, one hand pushes upward and the other hand pushes downward. Bring the right arm down to the original position, that is, the right hand still touches the top of the head and the left hand is still at the level of the waist. When count “two”, repeat the movement. Repeat the movement for ten times.

Movement 2: Reverse the position of the right arm and the left arm with the left hand touch the top of the head and right hand at the level of the waist. The movement is the same as mentioned in movement 1. The only difference is that it is the turn for the right hand to push upward and the left hand downward.

From this posture, we can see it is a stretching exercise for the right arm and the left arm and the exercise is designed in accordance with the theory of our modern times. This matches the theory of acupuncture at the same time. According to the explanation of Ha Kinh, this posture can facilitate the free circulation of blood and the eighteen acupoints. It is understood that on the top central part of our head there is the Bai Hui acupoint (百會穴); both the left and right shoulder has Jian Jing acupoint (肩井穴); the Qu Chi acupoint (曲池穴) can be found on the elbow; while in between the thumb and the first finger there is the He Gu acupoint (合谷穴). Besides, there are many acupoints found near the ears such as Shen Yu acupoint (腎盂穴). The stretching of both arms stimulates these acupoints which in turn stimulates the function of the brain, the heart, the kidney, the shoulder, the arms the fingers and the central nervous system. This exercise can cure one who is sick and strengthen one’s well-being.






Posture 9: Stand Firm and Play the Drum

The nineth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Stand Firm and Play the Drum”.

Starting position: Stand up right, feet apart at shoulder width. While keeping the upper body upright, slightly bend down two knees. Lift the arms upward until the hands are in front of the body at the level of the hips with the palms facing downward. The hands should be about 3 inches away from the abdomen. The middle finger of the right hand should point to the middle finger of the left hand. When ready, raise up the right arm until it is 3 inches higher than the forehead.

Movement 1: When count “one”, press down the right hand as one is playing the drum. Simultaneously, raise up the left arm 3 inches above the forehead. When count “two”, press down the left hand and raise up the right hand. Do this for ten times. When press down the hand, bend the knees lower than before and increase the effort. This posture looks like a person who is playing the drum. One point that worths remembering is that it is to use hands instead of fists.

This exercise is rather violent. When count “one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, remember to use natural method of respiration and avoid using the method of respiration as practised in Qigong.

According to the explanation of the founder of Luk Tung Kuen, Ha Kinh, this exercise is beneficial to the vital organs of the human body. A person is immune from cancer after a long time of practice. The field of medical science has already affirmed the theory that doing exercises can strengthen one’s resistance against cancer. It is because doing exercises can strengthen one’s immunity from disease. If one’s power of immunity has strengthened then one’s resistance against cancer can also be enlarged. Other exercises can also strengthen the immunity power of a person, yet other exercises are too strenuous and may not suitable for the elders. However, Luk Tung Kuen is suitable for the young and the elders.




  1. 雙手叉腰,左腳站穩,右腳踏前一步,提起腳踭,腳尖點地。
  2. 將右腳離地向前直伸繞過右方繞一圈到前方,是為「一」,口中同時叫「一」。以聲呼吸,再如法繞圈為「二」,繞十次為一段落,再繼續將右腳用反方向繞圈,上一式是腳朝外繞,這一式是腳朝內繞圈,也是繞十次而止。
  3. 換右腳站地,雙手仍叉腰,提左腳繞圈,也是先向外繞,後向內繞,外繞十圈,內繞十圈,做完即雙腳站地。




Posture 8: Drawing A Circle

The eighth posture, known as “Drawing A Circle” is to use the foot to draw a circle. Use the right foot first then the left foot accordingly.

Starting position: Standing, hands on hips. Move the right foot a step forward with heels up. Touch the ground with tiptoes.

Movement 1: Raise up the right leg and draw a circle in a clockwise direction. When count “one”, breathe in. Do it for ten times. Meanwhile, use the right foot again to draw a circle in an anti-clockwise direction. Do it for ten times.

Movement 2: When finish doing with the right foot, turn to the left foot. Stand on right foot and raise up the left foot. Draw a circle in a clockwise direction the in an anti-clockwise direction. Do ten times for each direction.

This posture, an exercise for the legs, is a continuation of posture 7. Let us now enumerate the new theory in doing exercise. In this way, we can see that the Luk Tung Kuen is in accordance with new theory.

In the past, the football team leader focus on training the skill of the players. Some pay attention to jogging. Therefore the football players usually seize with cramp and wrench. A Swedish football coach later find out that the main reason is due to the lack of stretching exercise among the football players. He create a new stretching exercise for them. As a result, the football players are no longer seized with cramp and wrench. It is understood that if the football players do not have enough stretching exercise, they will usually hurt themselves. The theory of stretching is originated from Sweden. Now it has already become a common exercise which has nothing to do with skill.

This posture of “Drawing a Circle”, a stretching exercise for the leg, is a continuation of posture 7. It is because posture 7 is an exercise for the joints. This stretching exercise of posture 8 facilitates blood circulation. It is helpful in curing rheumatism. It is therefore a consecutive exercise.




  1. 開始時,左右手叉在左右腰部,左腳站定,右腳踏前一步。
  2. 用力將右腳提起,腳尖向上,膝頭提高,腳向後屈,使腳踭越接近右臀股為最好。當屈腳提起時口中叫「一」,隨即放下,再向上照式提腿,口中叫
  3. 右腳提膝仍吊起,於是做第二項踢腳運動,將腳尖向下用力踢,又收起提腳,踢一次,叫「一」,踢二下叫「二」,踢至十為止。右腿運動做完,轉為右腳站地,提左腳,先做十次踏單車式,再做十次踢腳式,便告完成。




Posture 7: Riding the Bicycle

The seventh posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Riding the Bicycle”. In fact, “Riding the Bicycle” is only part of the posture, the other part can be termed as “kick by tiptoe”.

Starting Position: Standing, hands on hips, move the right foot a step forward.

Movement 1: Lift the right leg, tiptoe upward. Bend the leg backward as close as possible to the hip. When bending the leg, count “once”, the unbend the leg. Repeat the same sequence for ten times. Remember that the right foot should not touch the ground and the whole body is supported by the left leg. Since this movement is similar to the movement of riding the bicycle, therefore this part is termed as “Riding the Bicycle”.

Movement 2: When finish doing movement 1, continue to do movement 2. The right leg is still lifting up. This time, with the tiptoes pointing downward, kick forward. Then return to the starting position. When kick once, count “one”. Do the movement for ten times. When finish completing movement 2, repeat the whole sequence (movement 1 and 2 altogether) with the left leg.

This exercise can strengthen the balancing power of the body when standing on one foot. At the same time, it strengthens the joints of our legs, the nervous system and the lymph of the body. Beginners may find it difficult to stand on one foot only while the other foot is doing “Riding the bicycle” and “Kick by tiptoe” movements simultaneously.

Some exercisers are able to do it but their feet usually touch the ground after a few trials. It is especially difficult for those who are deaf or have tinnitus. They may find it much harder in standing on one foot. In this case, if they really cannot balance the body, they can touch the ground. All in all, do what one is capable of one can achieve the desirable result if one keeps on doing. By the time when the person can stand on one foot and complete the whole movement, one can regain his or her sense of hearing.