- 預備式:雙腳平開半步,挺直身軀。雙手十指張開,分放於腹部近兩腿之上,即肚臍左右對開約三寸的位置,這位置是盲腸及腸臟所在,對下則為輸卵管(女)和輸精管(男)所在。由於這是和按摩運動同時進行,故應注意雙掌所放的位置,預備好之後,即開始運動。
- 開始叫「一」時,雙掌沿兩側腹部向大腿按貼著肌肉剷下去,同時彎腰向前,膝頭要直,雙掌推按至膝頭之下立即將雙掌提起,掌心向地,掌背向天,腰同時提起。
- 雙掌伸直高過肩膊時,身體亦同時直立,這時雙掌從耳側分左右在肩前,沿肩下膈肋底前,即左右胸旁落下,回到預備式雙掌所按的位置,「一」的動作至此才告一段落。
- 繼續叫「二」,如同「一」的動作一樣,雙掌又貼腰側剷落大腿過膝及彎腰向前至掌過膝頭之後才提起,動作和「一」相同,這樣做十次而止,是為「剷坭式」。
Posture 18: To Shovel the Mud
The eighteenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “To Shovel the Mud”. T he posture looks like the movement of shoveling. It is another kind of stretching exercise.
Starting position: Stand upright, two feet apart at shoulder width. Keep the fingers straight. Keep the two hands at the level of the belly, about three inches away from the navel.
Movement 1: when count “one”, keep the knees straight and bend the trunk. The two hands are shoveling down just as one who is shoveling the mud with the palms facing downward. When the hands are almost touching the necks, slowly straighten the trunk. Then slowly bring the two hands down to the sides and return the starting position and count “one”. Repeat the same procedure for ten times.
The speed of this movement is quite fast. The entire movement should be finished in about five seconds. This exercise can produce the result of mass therapy. It is also a stretching exercise.