



  1. 預備式:雙腳稍為分開,雙手伸指垂直放於兩腿側,開始:雙手自稍後側同時打一大圈,自上向前落下,上身體隨雙手落下而向前躬腰,當雙手向前落及躬腰向前時,用口深深吸氣,吸氣的方法有如用飲管吸汽水時的情形,雙掌立即掌背向地,兩掌十指緊貼,中指對中指,成一兜形,隨即兜向胸前,這時閉口,舌頂上顎,用鼻呼氣,當雙掌十指相對兜至胸前時,雙掌即向前伸,有如兩鏡照面,旋即反掌,雙掌掌心向外,立即又雙掌反回照面,至此雙手垂下,叫「一」。
  2. 繼續如法做第二次動作,到雙掌照面反掌再照面後,雙手垂下才叫「二」,做十次。整個動作節奏,雙掌打圈自頭頂向前一節略快,雙掌落至胯前躬腰掌向地作撈月狀至兜起,節奏略慢,因為這一段時用口吸氣和用鼻呼氣的精華所在。故動作慢即呼吸深。



Posture 17: Breathing in

The seventeenth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Breathing in”. This posture is quite complicated. It emphasizes “breathing in”, therefore, the method of breathing of this posture is different from the other postures. This time the exercises use the mouth to breathe in and the nose to breathe out. We perform a lot of movements during this posture.

We use the nose to take a deep breathe in posture 15 and 16. In this posture, we change the method of breathing. This method of breathing is the only one that does not use the method of natural respiration. It aims at training the brain in commanding the respirative organ to use the unnatural method of respiration. This in turn benefits the trachea.

Starting position: Stand upright, two feet apart at shoulder width, aims at sides.

Movement 1: Swing both arms from back to the front and bend the trunk downward. Breathe in deeply. The method of breathing is like the method of drinking soft drink. When the two hands are at the position of the hip, form the two hands in the shape of an arc with the palms facing upward.

The middle finger of the right hand should point to the middle finger of the left hand. The shape of the hand is like someone who is lifting up a stone. Raise the two hands (in the shape of an arc) upward until they reach the level of the chest. Close the mouth naturally, the tip of the tongue placed against the hard palate and breathe out from the nose. When the two hands are at the level of the chest, stretch out the two hands with the palms facing outward. Then turn the palms inside out and bring the arms back to the sides, and count “one”. Repeat the whole sequence for ten times.

When doing the swinging movement at the very beginning, the speed is quite fast. Then slow down the speed. Since this movement emphasizes deep breathing, therefore if we perform the movement slowly, we can breathe in and out deeply.

Note: Keep the feet straight. This posture not only benefits the respiratory organs but can reduce the fat of the belly.