- 雙手叉腰,左腳站穩,右腳踏前一步,提起腳踭,腳尖點地。
- 將右腳離地向前直伸繞過右方繞一圈到前方,是為「一」,口中同時叫「一」。以聲呼吸,再如法繞圈為「二」,繞十次為一段落,再繼續將右腳用反方向繞圈,上一式是腳朝外繞,這一式是腳朝內繞圈,也是繞十次而止。
- 換右腳站地,雙手仍叉腰,提左腳繞圈,也是先向外繞,後向內繞,外繞十圈,內繞十圈,做完即雙腳站地。
Posture 8: Drawing A Circle
The eighth posture, known as “Drawing A Circle” is to use the foot to draw a circle. Use the right foot first then the left foot accordingly.
Starting position: Standing, hands on hips. Move the right foot a step forward with heels up. Touch the ground with tiptoes.
Movement 1: Raise up the right leg and draw a circle in a clockwise direction. When count “one”, breathe in. Do it for ten times. Meanwhile, use the right foot again to draw a circle in an anti-clockwise direction. Do it for ten times.
Movement 2: When finish doing with the right foot, turn to the left foot. Stand on right foot and raise up the left foot. Draw a circle in a clockwise direction the in an anti-clockwise direction. Do ten times for each direction.
This posture, an exercise for the legs, is a continuation of posture 7. Let us now enumerate the new theory in doing exercise. In this way, we can see that the Luk Tung Kuen is in accordance with new theory.
In the past, the football team leader focus on training the skill of the players. Some pay attention to jogging. Therefore the football players usually seize with cramp and wrench. A Swedish football coach later find out that the main reason is due to the lack of stretching exercise among the football players. He create a new stretching exercise for them. As a result, the football players are no longer seized with cramp and wrench. It is understood that if the football players do not have enough stretching exercise, they will usually hurt themselves. The theory of stretching is originated from Sweden. Now it has already become a common exercise which has nothing to do with skill.
This posture of “Drawing a Circle”, a stretching exercise for the leg, is a continuation of posture 7. It is because posture 7 is an exercise for the joints. This stretching exercise of posture 8 facilitates blood circulation. It is helpful in curing rheumatism. It is therefore a consecutive exercise.