


  1. 預備動作是雙腳平開半步,直立,左手向左橫伸與肩齊平,五指張開,右手亦五指張開,掌心向下,曲肘平放於胸前,姆指略貼心口,這就是左手伸,右手曲的姿勢。
  2. 開始叫「一」時,手放於心口的右手掌指用力向右橫平肩打出,左掌以同一時間曲肘向胸口平放。叫「二」時左掌自胸前向橫打出,右掌自右邊曲肘平放於胸前,這時的姿勢如預備式。跟著叫「三」,向橫打出右掌,左掌同時曲肘平放胸口,一伸一曲,做十下而止。



Posture 20: Strike with One Hand

The twentieth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Strike with one hand”. When strike out the left hand horizontally, bring the right hand back to the level of the chest. This movement can also be termed as “the alternate stretching out of the left hand and the right hand”.

Starting position: Stand upright, feet apart. Stretch the left arm to the left horizontally until the left arm reach the level of the shoulder. Keep the finger of both hands straight. The palm of the right hand should face downward. Bend the elbow of the right hand until the right hand is at the level of the chest with the thumb touching the heart.

Movement 1: When count “one”, stretch out the right hand horizontally to the right. Meanwhile, bend the elbow of the left arm at the same time until the hand reach the level of the chest. When count “two”, just bend the elbow of the right hand and stretch out the left hand. Repeat the same movement for ten times.

The speed of this movement is quite fast. The body should be kept upright. Beginners should do what one is capable of. Avoid overdo the exercise, otherwise, one will hurt oneself.

This exercise is beneficial to the muscle of the chest. By doing this exercise, one can prevent thrombosis.