- 預備式:立正,左手和右手只伸出中指,其餘各指微屈於掌中。指甲長的必須事先剪短指甲,因六通拳還有幾個按摩的鍛煉,指甲長會弄傷眼睛,特別要注意。
- 左手中指按於左眼角近鼻樑凹陷之處,右中指亦按於右眼部近鼻樑凹陷之眼角處。這個部位俗稱「山根」的兩側,亦即眼角近「山根」之處,這部位在穴位上稱「晴明」穴。
Posture 26: Exercise for the Eyes
The twenty-sixth posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Exercise for the Eyes”. In actual fact, this is a kind of massage exercise for the eyes.
In Luk Tung Kuen, posture 3, posture 12 and posture 19 have already focused on providing some exercise for the eyes. But this massage-typed exercise is founded by Master Ha Kinh.
Starting position: Stand upright. Clench the fists but stretch out the middle finger. Remember to keep the finger nails short since this is the massage exercise for the eyes. If the finger nails are long, one may hurt oneself.
Movement 1: Close the eyes, stroke and press the sunken San Gen region. (山根) region between the two eyes and above the nose) With the index and middle fingers of both hands, left hand for the left eye and right hand for the right eye. According to the explanation of those who practise acupuncture, this region is known as Qing Ming acupoint (晴明穴) .
The movement of both hands should be done simultaneously. The method is to stroke and press the region around the eyes in a circular motion, from the San Gen region (山根) up to the level of the eyebrow, then from the corner of the eyes down to the cheekbones and then return to the Qing Ming (晴明) acupoint. Repeat the movements for ten times.
Note: Do not touch the eyeball. Some exercisers misunderstand the eyeball as the San Gen region. It is not to touch the eyeballs but only the various acupints around the eyeballs. These acupoints include the Cuan Zheu (攢打), Ming Zhong (明思), Si Zhu Kong (絲竹空) , Jian Yang (見陽), Cheng Li (承淚) acupoints, etc.
This exercise helps to relieve eye strain and prevents crow’s – feet, cataract, floaters, and other eye disease, thus it can achieve the result of improving one’s beauty.