- 預備式:右腳向前踏一步,左手叉在腰間,右手伸開五指,手放於前方,與伸出的右腳的腳面相對,掌心向上,掌背向下,將腹部收縮。
- 開始叫「一」,伸出的右掌向後拉打一大圈,掌自頭頂之上翻向前方落下,這時掌心已轉為向地,掌背向天,躬腰向前隨落下的右掌同一動作,右掌指以觸到右腳趾為止。然後立即反掌,使掌心向上掌背向下,用力提起。
- 在掌至身前與肩平的時候,叫「出力」。用力將掌指向前登直,然後立即將右手向後反掌貼著右腰骨後面,掌背貼著後腰骨。這時叫「二」,左掌離開左腰伸掌向前然後拉向後打一大圈,自前方落下,左掌這時掌心向地,同時躬身向前,當左掌觸及右腳尖時又反掌提起左掌,叫「出力」,掌心向天,當伸至齊肩時用力登直掌指,然後迅即反掌向後貼在背脊的左腰骨旁。叫「三」,右掌如法打一大圈落向右腳尖處,提起時反掌掌心向天,叫「出力」。此式做十次而止。
Posture 21: Draw Back the Belly and with Arms Akimbo
The twenty-first posture of Luk Tung Kuen is known as “Draw Back the Belly and with Arms Akimbo”. The name of this posture comes from the starting position.
Starting position: Standing, move the right foot a step forward with the left arm akimbo. Keep the finger of the right hand straight. Move the right hand to the side of the pelvis and put it beside with the palm facing upward. Draw back the belly.
Movement 1: When count “one”, swing the right hand from back to front with the palm facing downward. Bend the trunk forward and try to touch the toes of the right foot. Then turn the palm of the right hand inside out with the palm of right hand facing upward. Lift up the right hand until the right hand reach the level of the shoulder. Stretch the aim forward. Keep the fingers straight. Then place the right hand at the position of the backbone with the back of the hand touching the backbone. When count “two”, swing the left hand from back to front. Bend the trunk and try to touch the toe of the right foot with the left hand. Then turn the palm of the left hand inside out with the palm of the left hand facing upward. Stretch the left arm forward and keep the fingers straight. Repeat the movement for ten times.
Movement 2: Withdraw back the right foot and move the left foot a step forward. Repeat the same sequence as mentioned in movement 1, but this time try to touch the left foot. Repeat the movement for ten times.
Note: when doing this exercise, remember not to bend the head downward. Beginners should try to keep the head in an upright position, otherwise this will cause encephalemia. Keep the knees straight. If one cannot touch the toes then just bend the truck downward. This is a stretching exercise for the toes, the joints of the knees.